[iOS] Businnes Analyst Perspective

Acceptence Test in Business Analyst Perspective

Muhammad Alfiansyah
2 min readNov 19, 2024
Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

Business Context

The app has a multi-page flow:

  1. A home screen with a button to navigate to Page One.
  2. On Page One, users can navigate to Page Two via another button.
  3. Page Two displays a confirmation message or relevant information.

The goal of this app is to guide users through a simple workflow with navigational validation.


Epics are high-level features or goals. For example:

Navigation Flow: Users can seamlessly move between pages in the app.

User Stories

Here’s how the BA might write user stories:

Navigate to Page One from the Home Screen

As a user,
I want to click a button on the Home Screen,
So that I can navigate to Page One.

Acceptance Criteria:
The Home Screen has a button labeled "Go to Page One".
Clicking the button navigates the user to Page One.
The button has an accessibility identifier (PAGE_ONE_BUTTON) for testing.
Navigate to Page Two from Page One

As a user,
I want to click a button on Page One,
So that I can navigate to Page Two.

Acceptance Criteria:
Page One has a button labeled "Present Page Two".
Clicking the button navigates the user to Page Two.
The button has an accessibility identifier (PAGE_TWO_BUTTON).
View Confirmation Text on Page Two

As a user,
I want to see a confirmation message on Page Two,
So that I know I have successfully completed the workflow.
Acceptance Criteria:

Page Two displays the text "Page Two".
The text has an accessibility identifier (TEXT_DESCRIPTION).
The app passes acceptance tests to confirm this behavior.

Technical Stories

For developers, the BA may write technical stories to support the user stories:

Implement Navigation Logic

As a developer,
I need to implement navigation logic for moving between screens,
So that users can move through the app seamlessly.

Use UINavigationController to handle the navigation stack.
Ensure each screen transition is animated.
Add Accessibility Identifiers

As a developer,
I need to add accessibility identifiers to UI elements,
So that the app is testable and accessible.


Test Scenarios

Finally, BAs would collaborate with QA to define automated acceptance test scenarios:

Test Case 1: Navigate to Page One

Given I am on the Home Screen,
When I tap the "Go to Page One" button,
Then I should see "Page One" displayed.
Test Case 2: Navigate to Page Two

Given I am on Page One,
When I tap the "Present Page Two" button,
Then I should see "Page Two" displayed.
Test Case 3: Verify Page Two Text

Given I am on Page Two,
When I read the displayed message,
Then it should be "Page Two".




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